Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sweet Dreams


She was the only one who flew 'Business' class, with her own bed snapped-in the bulkhead! Tryg was eyeballing it, and tried to fit a leg in there someway. If only......
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Anonymous said...

Along with so many of us I have been following your journey. I am so happy for you all. Can't wait to meet Sylvi. You should have grabbed the little blond for us. We all miss you and the kids at school miss the boys. So happy for you. Cammy C.

Kent and Annie said...

Wow! I wish they had those on Alaska Airlines! Thanks for keeping up on the blog; we are always so excited to see each new post. My sister Caitlin (McCabe) told me today, "Did you see the new one!?!" We rushed to the computer. We can't get over how absolutely beautiful Sylvi is and how she fits so perfectly as a member of your family. What a lucky girl!

Anonymous said...

Are you on your way howm now!!!! She looks amazing like you all its weird but cool. God works in mysterious ways! Right! Welcome home too you all. When is Glo coming Im sure she will have stories and pics to see. You are all great examples of the love of Christ to us all. God bless Jen