Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Red Square, Moscow


We just got back from quite a trip. This is a whole different experience, and a Major city with 20 million people in it. The history, surrounding Red Square and the Kremlin next door-is something else. We didn't take any tours, but just walked with a map from the hotel here. Found it, and managed to hit a McD's on the way! Sylvi LOVED it all, especially the McNuggets and Fries.

The shopping, history, and sights are almost too much-we don't have much time for that, as this is our only afternoon 'off'. Which is fine with us. We just can't wait to get home-

Is a windy, muggy day here. Another round of Thundershowers caught us coming back, so we took a cab. Which was great, because I secretly had no idea where the heck we were, and I proclaimed myself the 'direction dude' at the start-saying anyone can read a map. Not here. Saved face on that one, as the taxi went the opposite direction I was leading us, with Sylvi strapped to my sweating belly. I swear she shook her head at me and scoffed!

So be it-she is fitting in already.

Can't wait to be HOME!
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