Monday, May 11, 2009


We are Packed, and READY to GO! Tomorrow we fly out of Khab, and on to Moscow for the final step of bringing Sylvi Home Forever-Moscow is where she becomes an American Citizen, official when her feet touch the soil, but papers issued at the Embassy in Moscow. Not a small task, the flight is 8 hours long tomorrow, the 'opposite' way from home. But only 3 busy days there, then on to home! We can't wait. We are all so thrilled to be almost there.

As we spent our last day here, we all thought about what a special trip this was. For each of us, in different perspectives. So meaningful for the boys; real-'worldly' experiences, both good and bad, that they saw with their eyes, and I think they will always carry in their minds. And their sister-well, they saw a unique side to this family, and how it came about, that is hard to put into words. I think they see how love works, and how a family can change a person. Pretty valuable lesson-for all of us, that we get to see every day.

For Glo-well, she was such a Godsend to us here, and I think she will always have that special bond, forever, with all 3 of our kids, and us. She did before, but this trip-it felt like she was as much family as myself. Beyond a 'Thanks' could ever cover. I hope that she will carry something out of it-just for herself, not for us or the kids, just her. I know she will, she is such a positive person-and will forever be. She made this trip what it was, for all of us. But I think she will take something big out of it, for herself.

For Kaia; I see her face so happy with her little girl. She is obsessed with her kids, as any mother is-but to see her with Sylvi is something so special and new. I get to see Sylvi and Kaia, how lit-up they both get when the are coming together. It is the craziest thing to see-how this little girl is blossoming more each day, talking and laughing, toddling around after all of us. But when Kaia goes by, whoa-all bets are off and she is racing after 'Momma!' Pretty cool.

I am totally in love with all of them, of course. Sylvi is going to be a special part of me. She and I have so much fun, and I just can't get over her. She is so beautiful, and smart, perfect; and I am so proud. I love that girl. Her eyes-

The other thing I think about tonight-the sad part of this trip, for me, is the others left behind. As I said before, it is hard to describe when you look at them. Unwanted kids are the saddest part of any society. Not all will be without a family, a few might still get their chance. But most, not. And it breaks your heart. I am not supposed to post pictures of the others, but I feel that it is much a part of the trip as Sylvi coming home. They all are just desperate little people, to just pick them up, or touch their little hands reaching to you makes them so happy. I kept trying to avoid their stares, but finally gave in and played with them, talked to them all. An easy audience, a lot of laughter and smiles and clapping.

Here is a little girl that just kept staring at us, talking baby-talk and reaching out for me. The only other child Kaia picked up (we weren't supposed to), and she just melted into K. I think she could see what was happening, and how we came for Sylvi each day. It was like this girl could see, that Sylvi was getting what she wanted so badly.

She is so alone, and so good. She feeds herself, does what they want her to, doesn't cry much. Because of that, I notice that she doesn't get much attention. She was the last one I said goodbye to as we left. Here, I was laughing at her, when she ate. She could do it all by herself. Big coffee-cup of some thick paste, and a cracker in her hand. She was smooth through it all; in the videos we all think she is an adult in a 1-year old's body:

"You Done?"

There are no diapers in the O once the kids hit 1-year old. Many times we came to Sylvi sitting in someone's pee or worse, they are just too young to know yet. But it is all they can afford, so they make the kids sit on 'Pottys' several times a day. Here I am talking to them while they sit. See that little blonde in the back? She is a big fan of a quick stand-up act. I was asking "Could someone please light a match!", and waving "Pheweee!" and while most didn't get it, well-she was all giggles:

I like to think that Sylvi and her were friends; she always toddled over to see her when we would bring Sylvi back and babytalk to her, and give me her prettiest look, as if to say "You can have me, too?":
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As we fly out of here tomorrow, I think of the other 99 kids in Baby Home 1. I think of how lucky we are. We didn't start this journey out, as doing something good for the world, actually nothing heroic. We wanted another child, and that was simply it. But-it is something that makes you think. Sylvi's life is with our family forever, I think she was born for us and there was some big Power involved here. She is our princess, and I am so amazed that we found our Sylvi. But, what about this girl, and all the others? I hope this little blonde finds her special place, but the statistics are grim. She will learn later how unfair, and how cheated she was. It makes me so sad for her, and the others that grow-up with nothing, and are turned loose at 17; unwanted, angry, and alone. But, at the same time, so much more happy for my little girl. No, we didn't start out to rescue anyone, or ourselves; but we did. Glo, Karl, Tryg, Kaia, and myself; we ended-up Heroes of our Own Family.


Anonymous said...

When is the book going to be released? We have loved every one of your blog entries, and have them all printed and saved for your next your spare time. Little Miss Sylvi will rule the DeBoer Ranch soon! Thanks for all of your tender observations from across the world--and for your appreciation of a Tante who really HAS been a Godsend--in more ways than one. Your relationship with her will be even more precious from now on! Love to you all -- with our prayers for safe traveling until you are home!
Gma Diane

Evelyn S. said...

Congraulations, DeBoer Family! You are special...all of you.

Evelyn in Oregon

Janet J. said...

Book release it right! What an amazing story..... and what we take for grant it. Thank you so much for sharing such a personal journey. Most of us have no idea. You are not only heroes of your own family, you truly are heroes for many. Thank you!
Safe travels..... you've almost made it! YEAH!!! :)