Thursday, May 14, 2009

Last Blog Post.


This is it. We are gone from Russia, heading HOME! We are so excited, it feels like we have been gone for a year! We are all leaning forward in our seats as you read this, counting the hours.

We have LOVED getting all the comments and emails of support, it was a main source of entertainment between visits to her. Each morning in that little dank hotel in Siberia, we'd all race to the computer to read them first! We appreciate it, and this trip really highlights, for all of us, the power of belonging to family, and friends.

Here we come, Sylvi can tell something BIG is up with this flight! She can sense the excitement!
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Nana/Sheri said...

God is so good! We are so excited you are finally on your way home with Sylvi! Welcome Miss Sylvi Lois Deboer to America, you are blessed with an amazeing family!
in our continued prayers, Kurt & Sheri

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing this amazing story with all of us. It has touched our family. We will pray that this transition continues to go smoothly. "Welcome Home" all FIVE of you. Jayson & Tonya Withers

jennymarie said...

Yay!! Hope your travels are smooth and happy. Swing into Hawaii on your way if you can :) So excited for you to unfold the next chapter. Your story has been so incredible - the kind of thing where you seriously want to be a better person after reading it! You're really a testament to the best of humanity and God's grace at work. Thanks so much for sharing it. Hugs to all three of your beautiful kiddos. xoxo Jenny

Evelyn S. said...

Each blog entry has brought me to tears, particularly those describing this last month's events. You are all so special, and I hope I get to meet you (well, I've met Kaia but that was when she was a teen) some day. Blessings on you!

Evelyn in Oregon

Anonymous said...

Velkommen Home DeBoer Family - thanks for sharing - we miss you Tante Glo - Little Norway!

Anonymous said...

Your journey has been such an exciting adventure and will make many great stories for years to come for all of you to share. What an amazing experience to have for each of you. Thank you for sharing it with all of us. Its been the community thing to talk about. When the time comes it will be as we already know Sylvi to some extent. Mike thinks it is very cool how Tryg and Karl got to become big brothers, he has kept up with the entire blog as well. What special friends you all are.
Mezzone Family

Anonymous said...

All day long I have had this funny feeling in my stomache waiting for you guys to be home!! I cant wait for you to get home!!! It seems like forever! What an amazing journey you have had and now it continues with Sylvi as a new addition to your family!! You have told an amazing story through this blog JP! Sylvi is one lucky little girl!! Hurry and get home, hurry, hurry!!! :)
Love you all,

Janet J. said...

Welcome home SYLVI DEBOER!!!!

Welcome home all of you!!

What an inspiration you are; each of you are admired more than words can say!

Love and Hugs to you all! :)

The Johnston Family

Powell family said...

What an amazing journey. It has been a wonderful experience for us to beable to read of this journey. Thank you for sharing it with us. We are so excited to meet Sylvi.

Love and hugs to you
Love The Powell family.

Anonymous said...

We're so glad you're going to be home tonight, safe and sound. JP- Do you suppose you could post one more blog of "the landing at the airport"? All of us who have been following this inspirational story would love to see the "Welcome to America" event taking place tonight. We're sure SEA-TAC has had many wonderful reunions and homecomings, but not many as precious as this one. We are all there in spirit and would love to see the highlights!! Welcome Miss Sylvi Lois DeBoer, US Citizen.. daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, very special, little babykins! We loved the thought of you before we saw your picture. Then we saw you and read your story and are now looking forward to our first meeting. We can hardly wait to wrap our arms around you with love, S. & S.

dada said...

Welcome to America Cousin Sylvi! One day your parents will explain the 17th of May to you, but for now it is wonderful that you also are independent from the "O" and home for good in a free land with parents and family that love you so much! God chose well when he chose Daddy JP and Mamma Kaia for you. Karl and Tryg will protect you all your life and you will feel an awesome love flow to you from your WHOLE family! I hope we get to meet you, sweet Baby Girl! Love forever, your Dixon cousins