Monday, May 4, 2009


This is IT! The Last night we are without her. We all got to go again today, to visit her-and she was charming again. Was so great with the boys, and just really enthralled with all that they did for her in two hours. We decided we are close enough to leak one full-picture of her, and us- taken by Glo today.

At the end of our visit, when Kaia and I took her in to say goodbye, it wasn't so bad for us. But a funny thing has happened. It has been getting harder on her. She even reached out to me, tried to crawl up on the rail to get up in my arms. Then she quietly watches us walk out, with a sad look, and sucks her thumb with furrowed brows. I kept telling her that tomorrow we aren't leaving. Of course, She doesn't know we are getting her tomorrow-that tomorrow is just a HUGE day for all of us, one we've dreamed about for over a year. Tonight, Karl asked if we were forever going to celebrate her birthday on May 5th. No, we said-it is Feb. 5th. But we should always remember, and I know I will.

What will it be like for her? How scary of a thing, to be taken into this little sweat-pit of an apartment, with all of us staring at her. Boiling spuds to make something familiar to her, something she is used to. But so much new, so much different. A crazy flute-player that log's in over 12 hours a day (AND night) upstairs. Dogfights below the window all night, yelling and partying at 2 am in the playground. Me snoring through it all. The wind blowing our laundry around on the deck. Yikes. We are all going to try and help. She scares pretty easy, but she will adapt.

And she won't be alone. No matter who you are in the world, no matter what wrongs have been done to you, how your past has disappointed your future, how many faces have put you down to never pick you back up; what a GREAT thing it must be to have the same people love you and be with you the rest of your life. Even for a little 1 year old, to see her mom every morning. A promise that will never be broken. To me, that is as close to perfection as you can get in this world, and what this journey to Sylvi has been all about.

And if she ever holds her arms up to me again, I get to pick her up. Forever, and Perfect.
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Anonymous said...

Absolutely PERFECT is right!! This is the best picture. It will stay with me today and forever, too. Oh, boy...we can't wait for you to get home. This part of your journey is ending with a new chapter beginning a just few hours away. The excitement and anticipation must be overwhelming. We know you will enjoy every sweet minute.... to all...S. & S.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't help but tear up once again digesting the words to "The Potter's Hand" at MP yesterday --the anticipation of this beautiful little creation has almost been unbearable, and the thought of her feeling so much love forever in so many ARMS OF LOVE is the perfect blessing! Thank you for all you have shared with ALL OF US waiting for your joyful return home! Today is another special day....we'll be with all 6 of you--every minute! Gma D

Anonymous said...

Wow! She is SO beautiful! You guys look absolutely perfect together. We all are so excited for your entire family!

Kerri... and Sean, Riley, Lucy, Lily, Liam and Ruby!

Kent and Annie said...

What a wonderful photo! She is a perfect little girl and your family looks so beautiful together. Each blog post has been so touching to read. Thanks for sharing this incredible journey with all of us. Can't wait to read the next post when you are together for good!

Anonymous said...

I should know better by now than to read these entries at work (sniffle sniffle). I am soooooo excited (or bacited as Kaiser use to say) for your return home. JP, I am addicted to your blogs!

Overly Eagerly Waiting~

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! we are running up to Seymore and Im on this computer for as long as I can hopeing to get coverage to see you all and find out what she did today. Im so happy for you all. its tomorrow there already and you have her and its so wonderful. Hugs and kisses from AK

Evelyn S. said...

As one of Grandma Diane's old college friends, I have been so moved and thrilled to share in this wonderful odyssey...for you and for Sylvi. God bless you for opening your hearts to her. It won't be long before I'll get to see a new face in Alf and Diane's photos of grandchildren. Evelyn in Oregon