Tuesday, May 12, 2009



We made it! Wow-what a trip. It actually went incredibly well, despite our worries. 5 minutes into the sweaty car-ride in a cramped van, racing to the Khab airport with all our fresh clothes on-BAM! Sylvi throws up a nice one, all over Karl-who was queasy with flu leftover anyway, and just green! SWEET! This is the way it starts? Are you kidding me?

Mom and Tante were awesome, had extra clothes for Karl, cleaned all up, Karl was a trooper and kept saying it was fine, he was fine, no worry. Tryg and I climbed in the back on top of the bags, hiding our noses and gagging. Sweet mercy!

But then, we get to the Khab airport, and it just was as smooth as could be. Got extra seats, bulkhead with a snap-in bassinet for Sylv, she was laughing and happy the Whole Flight! Karl never felt better, declaring after takeoff he was officially over the flu. Wow-the 8 hours 'flew' by, and Sylv napped, walked, played. It was really crazy-the last thing we expected. Got to Moscow at 1 am our Khab time, and just hit the beds here! This is a picture of her right before bed-in the hotel. Wow! With only a few hours' nap, just loving the experience.

Woke up at 3 am, been up ever since. Another doctor appt at 7am, all was fine, filling out embassy paperwork and forms, getting her registered as an American now and tomorrow, then HOME!!!

Planning on hitting a few sights, as we can-maybe Red Square, this afternoon. Raining here.

Miss you all-CANNOT wait for HOME!
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Rich, Liz, Bella and Olivia said...

Hi! I can't believe you're almost home. I'm so excited to see you guys. I know you'll be busy getting into the groove when you get home, but when you're ready for visitors ~ we are there!
Hope the next few days flies by in the best possible way.
Love ya,

Nana/Sheri said...

Keep praying for your health, safety and well being during all these transitions and may all paperwork go smooth! God Bless you all, In his love, Kurt & Sheri Wohlhueter

P.S. Sylvi has the exact birth-day as our grandson Payton James, he is daughter Lindsi's little one, her and Erik live in Juneau.
We are so excited for you all to be in your home and enjoying the family life,take care

The Growing Crozier Family! said...

Kaia and JP,
What a great blog! I'm so happy to hear that you are on your way home soon. Ashley, Andrei and I made it home yesterday and we couldn't be happier. The flight had good moments and some not-so-good moments. There were many sympathetic looks coming our way.
We're so glad to have met you to share such a life changing experience with you. Sylvie looks so happy as do all of you.
Safe journey home and a special hello to Glo. Andrei is happy and already fitting in. He's sitting on our daughter's knee right now!
Best wishes to all of you,
Melanie, Ashley, Andrei and Matigan