Wednesday, December 10, 2008


We are so excited to be going tomorrow. We just received an email, for the 'additional information' that we have been desperately waiting for, from the orphanage. In fact, we were nervous for the information-as it could have cancelled our trip tomorrow. We didn't know if it would come or not, and so we went ahead with the plans for this trip anyway, on faith. Waiting for the information, and the Christmas holiday, could have stretched the process out another month with Visas, orphanage schedules, etc. We are SO happy that we went ahead last week, here is the email pasted from our agency director:

Hello JP and Kaia,

Here is information DOE is passing to you. I included the signed original in case if your doctor or his ( her) staff have Russian speaking people. Here is my translation.

Best wishes

Additional information for the child referred for the adoption.

To Jp and Kaia DeBoer

V , DOB, February 2008, female

Girl was born from the third pregnancy, second birth, fast delivery, birth weight 2,3 kg, height 49 cm, Head/chect cir. 32/31 cm. Apgar 7-8 Condition after the birth is satisfactory
Current development girl clearly and loudly prounonces syllables, crowling in different directions, sits independently, can play independently for long time with toy, keeps attention on her caregivers and other kids. Lauphing, trying to talk..

Regional operator of Federeal Data Bank

We are so anxious.

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